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Who we are

“With Freshopp, the Porketto Group enters the foodtech sector”.

A family-owned group founded over 40 years ago in the Hauts de France region, Porketto by JB Viande is now the market leader in piglet meat.

” We started from the observation that, every year, 5% of our products remained unsold, i.e. 150 tonnes a year of foodstuffs that were not being sold in the retail sector. By joining forces with other players in the food industry, we have discovered that potentially 1,500 tonnes of food can be saved every week. This is how the Freshopp concept was born: save foodstuffs fit for consumption from destruction and make them available to as many people as possible. “, Freddy Braure, CEO of Porketto and founder of Freshopp.

By creating this bridge between the food industry and the consumer, 25,000 tonnes of food waste are avoided every year.

Near Arras, we have two 1,000 m2 refrigerated platforms, HACCP-compliant, ISO 50001, IFS Logistique and Ecocert Bio certified, with a reception area for storage of upstream products, an order preparation area, a dispatch area and administrative offices.
Every day, 20 tons of goods are transported.